Activated molecular sieve sachets for maintaining low water content
• Contains 10 g
• For volumes up to 2.5 L
• Fits bottlenecks with diameter > 28 mm
EZ Dry Moisture Traps are used for the efficient removal of moisture from solvents and reagents. The traps are recommended to maintain anhydrous conditions of 30 ppm water or less in the reagents connected to the synthetizer or when the containers are repeatedly opened.
EZ Dry Moisture Traps are designed to ensure rapid moisture removal from your phosphoramidite and activator solutions. A drying time of 16-24 hours is recommended. Each EZ Dry batch is tested according to strict Quality Assurance specifications.
This item is replaced by EZ Dry ULTRA 10 g Moisture Trap, activated Zeolite sachets
Not a hazardous substance or mixture according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008.
Storage Class Code
13 - Non-flammable solids in non-flammable package
ADR, RID (railroad and road)
Not dangerous goods
IATA-DGR (transport by air)
Not dangerous goods
IMDG-Code (transport by sea)
Not dangerous goods
Kein gefährlicher Stoff oder gefährliches Gemisch gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1272/2008 [CLP].
13 - Nicht brandgefährliche Feststoffe in nicht brandgefährlicher Verpackung
ADR, RID (Strasse und Eisenbahn)
Kein Gefahrgut
IATA-DGR (Luftverkehr)
Kein Gefahrgut
IMDG (Seeschiffverkehr)
Kein Gefahrgut