Activated Molecular Sieve Sachets for Maintaining Ultra-Low Water Content
• Contains 20 g
• For volumes up to 4 L
• Compatible with openings exceeding 24 mm
EZ Dry ULTRA Moisture Traps are designed to rapidly remove trace water from solvents and reagents, enabling effective moisture control of phosphoramidite and activator solutions. A minimum drying time of between 16 and 24 hours is recommended.
The traps are essential for maintaining anhydrous conditions in reagents stored in bottles and containers, ensuring 30 ppm water or less when either connected to an oligonucleotide synthesizer or when repeatedly opened.
EZ Dry ULTRA Moisture Traps are manufactured under an inert atmosphere using specialized, dedicated equipment in a meticulously controlled and clean environment. Batches are subjected to rigorous testing in accordance with our strict Quality Assurance standards. All materials and membranes are certified to have no detectable leachables and extractables under both standard conditions (21 CFR 177.1520) and extended conditions (acetonitrile for 14 days). Documentation available on request.
Not a hazardous substance or mixture according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008.
Storage Class Code
13 - Non-flammable solids in non-flammable package
ADR, RID (road and railroad)
Not dangerous goods
IATA-DGR (transport by air)
Not dangerous goods
IMDG-Code (transport by sea)
Not dangerous goods
Kein gefährlicher Stoff oder gefährliches Gemisch gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1272/2008 [CLP].
13 - Nicht brandgefährliche Feststoffe in nicht brandgefährlicher Verpackung
ADR, RID (Strasse und Eisenbahn)
Kein Gefahrgut
IATA-DGR (Luftverkehr)
Kein Gefahrgut
IMDG (Seeschiffverkehr)
Kein Gefahrgut